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Sound Healing Singing Bowls by Patricia Pattinama

Today science is acknowledging what ancient traditions and indigenous people have stated for ages. Sound is medicine. 

In my work sound is a guiding force as it relates to both vibration and love, being the basic fabric of the Universe. I combine my background in Kundalini Yoga, meditation, Shamanism and Healing through Sound with my deep sense of compassion.

“After more than a decade experience with the healing power of sound, I am still amazed by the quantum healing effects of music and sound on health, wellbeing and personal growth. It is my passion to touch your heart and uplift, devotion my drive. May you feel inspired and loved always.”  Patricia Pattinama (Shabad Deep) 

Shamanic Healing Ceremony

Inner struggles or blockages that have been haunting you for a long time, sometimes need a little more to be released. In this personal healing transmission you will be guided to release the thing that has been stopping your flow and happiness. It is an alchemic healing process, where we will work with shamanic and yogic healing tools, sound, the healing energy of the elements and multidimensional guidance.

The session will be online Session or on Location
in Wijk bij Duurstede Netherlands. As this is energetic work, an online session is just as powerful and effective.

Sound Therapy Session

The Sound Session is 100% attuned to your needs.
We all have our own harmonic frequency. In this session your natural vibration will be restored, so blocks can be instantly released and a state of inner peace can be experienced. In this session we work with your personal problem areas.
You will be relaxing while listening to the sounds of angelic voice, singing bowls, chimes, guitar or shamanic drum.

The session will be online Session or on Location
in Wijk bij Duurstede Netherlands. As this is energetic work, an online session is just as powerful and effective.

Contact me for more information

If you have questions, send me an email through this form.

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