11-Day Water Tour

11-Day Water prayer

from 11 - 22nd of September

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World water tribe

Water Tour: Live Ceremonies for Zaku Tenari Mountain

 From 11- 21st of September there have been Live Water Ceremonies all over the Netherlands.

For 11 days water sisters hosted water ceremonies to honor the waters and raise awareness for the Sacred Waters. All profits are for the crowdfunding for Zaku Tenari Mountain in Colombia. The tour ended on 22nd of September with the yearly Equinox Water Ceremony at Bronsbergermeer, Zutphen. 

See all Water Prayers

All Water Sisters created a video with a prayer or impression of their Ceremony.

See the overview of all video’s here.

"Water Ceremonies make a huge difference"

Why the 11-day water tour & 11-Day Online Prayer?

The quality and availability of clean water is under great strain globally. And with it the future of our Earth. Your love for the water is of vital importance right now.

The water has the power to hold your intentions and prayers. By singing and praying with the water, our prayers are being spread across the globe.

As we pray, we connect with the Divine Feminine energy, raising the frequency, to bring back balance on Earth and within.

Doing this together in large numbers, we create a highly vibrational field of purification and unity. What an amazing effect this has on the Earth!

Let us stand up for the Sacred Waters together!

"Together in circle"

Find a water ceremony near you:

For 11 days there will be Water Ceremonies all over The Netherlands.

Water Tour Schedule:

>> See for details of the events: The Water Tour event on facebook

Please sign up to keep posted on the Water Tour and 11-day prayer online.

"Our prayers are gold!"

We pray especially for the Sacred Water Springs of the Zaku Tenari Mountain in the Sierra Nevada Colombia. Here Sacred springs are being threatened by goldmining. According to the ancient wisdom of the indigenous tribes, the Earth is like a body and the Sierra Nevada represents the heart of the Earth. To distroy these sacred springs will be destastrous for all of the Earth and humanity.

During the 11-Day prayer, the indigenous peoples of the “Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta” in Colombia will keep sacred fires burning in the Maransuma’s, the sacred temples. Kogi, Wiwa, Arahuaca and Kankuama tribes all work together in this with all of us joining in with our prayers.

"Buying back the sacred lands"

Spirious foundation is raising funds to buy back the lands to return it to the Indigenous peoples of the Sierra Nevada Colombia. You can join us!

Donate to protect the indigenous

"Let's join"

How to Join

1. Join a Water Ceremony from the Water Tour
Every day a sister from the will share a prayer. Closing with the Water Ceremony for the on September 22nd. See schedule above.

2. Join our Daily Prayers by Signing up for the emails. 

Don’t worry you don’t have to watch them all!

3. Join us on Youtube and Facebook.

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