Sister... The Water is calling us
Sisters around the globe are hearing the call of the Water.
Feeling to connect. To give back & contribute. To come together. To inspire & be inspired.
“We are on a mission to Gather 1 Million sisters to Sing for the Water”

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Dear Sister,
Are you hearing and feeling the call of the Water? The Water is calling us to connect to our inner most sacred nature.
She is in need of our help, protecting and purifying the waters of life.
She is calling us to remember. Deeper and deeper.
To Remember Who we are. Why we came here. To remember our heritage and strength as women. To remember our medicine and the medicines of our lands…
Purifying the collective consciousness with every blessing.
Asking us to stand up as water carriers. Letting our voice be heard. Standing up for what we believe to be important…
Let’s Bless the Water!

Sacred Waters Tour
For 11 days Water Sisters created a video with a prayer to honor the waters…. and raise awareness for the Sacred Waters at Zaku Tenari Mountain in the Sierra Nevada Colombia.
The tour ended with the Equinox Water Ceremony at Bronsbergermeer, Zutphen.
All profits are for the crowdfunding for Zaku Tenari Mountain in Colombia.
By Aviana Carlin: Dorst (NB)
By Daisy Hatusupy, Robin van Dam, Maartje Emma:Hilversum (NH)
By Jantine Kerra: Lage Zwaluwe (NB)
Zaku Tenari Sacred Waters

To protect the Zaku Tenari Mountain and it’s sacred waters, Spirious created a crowdfunding to buy back the land, to return it to the indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada Colombia. Water Sisters United Supports the crowdfunding with her activities.
Saving the Sacred Waters from the multinationals who wish to do gold mining on Zaku Tenari mountain in Colombia, destroying the Sacred Waters in this Area.
As the Sierra Nevada Colombia, is the symbolic Heart of the Earth. This will be disasterous for all life on Earth.
Crowdfunding Zaku Tenari

Every contribution, big and small is more than welcome!
Remember your heritage as a woman.
Your relationship with the Water is Sacred.

Initiated by
Relating to the Water. Awakening journey with the Divine Mother
The Water is Calling us NOW! To unite and Sing. To stand up, let our Voices be heard.
It all started the day my ancestors came to me in a vision, telling me to start doing water ceremony. I got reconnected with my indigenous Alifuru roots and started to remember. The more I connected with the water bodies, the more the spirit of the water bestowed her wisdom. It turned out to be an awakening path with the Divine Mother.
Ever Since I have been working as a guardian of the Water: Standing up for the Water. Holding a blessing practice. Organizing water ceremonies.
With all my heart I am offering this sacred space for us all: to re-connect, heal and remember. Supporting Mother Water & Supporting YOU in standing up to who you came to BE.
~ Shabad Deep Mata Aiir (Patricia Pattinama)
Let's Flow together...
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